
Sunday, 14 July 2019

A Sensual Dancing Art: Belly Dancing

 A Sensual Dancing Art: Belly Dancing

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 A Sensual Dancing Art: Belly Dancing

Belly dance is a sensual form of dance. Does the sensual word bring out a negative vision in your mind? Sensual feels alive. We are in sensual sensations every minute, day and night.

Sensual use your senses to see, hear, smell, feel, and touch. The sensations we receive from these senses keep us alive.

This dance requires you to hear music, and feel the soul and the vibrations of music. The body moves to the rhythm with disciplined physical movements and nerves respond to emotional feelings of music. Our active beings (mental, physical, and emotional) blend with the music.

The sensual pleasures experienced while dancing gives us pleasure, relaxation, and enthusiasm for life. We are spiritually enlightened, physically energized, and mentally in tune, We are ready to fulfill our daily responsibilities and every new challenge.

The most popular question asked by students, "Is it difficult to learn this dance?" I always find this question difficult to answer because it has a lot to do with individual desires and discipline.

A better question is, "Do I need to dedicate time to practice?" This is not a dance activity that must be done in class. You can, but with the passage of time, you will see your classmate's progress and consider yourself unable to learn this dance. The majority of students take the time to practice. Many benefits will be obtained from this art form with practice.

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 A Sensual Dancing Art: Belly Dancing

Become comfortable with your body as you move to build confidence. The results of weight loss, losing unwanted body fat, looking attractive in your clothes, and standing tall all help someone to feel better about themselves.

The difficulty lies in knowing that a woman's body is sensual and mentally and psychologically comfortable with these anatomical senses makes some women feel awkward. The challenge for these women is to overcome negative, indirect, and negative public or personal experiences that are embarrassing or rude just because they are women.

This dance fully understands this weakness and helps every woman on the road to self-improvement and comfort with their female body. Belly dances have historically come from women dancing for themselves or with other women for family gatherings.

Another popular question is, "Am I expected to appear?" The answer is no. "Thousands of women take this dance only for themselves and will never dance for the general public.

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 A Sensual Dancing Art: Belly Dancing

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